In the morning before breakfast, perhaps enjoy this 5 minute imagery exercise for rejuvenation, overall health, healing and energy. You can use your imagination OR go outside into a Garden or Forest and be inspired directly by Nature.
‘Tree of Life’…for rejuvenation, overall health, healing and energy
Close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly three times. See yourself walking along a path where ahead of you is a strong, tall tree…give yourself another 3-5 breaths to visualise the tree…see it, smell it, and observe it’s leaves, their colour and shape, the colour and shape of the trunk the texture of it’s bark…
Go to this tree and embrace it, knowing this is the tree of life…feel the sensation of putting your arms around the trunk of the tree, notice the smell of it the feel of it. Now stand beside the tree, leaning up against it. As you stand here, feel the sensation of contact between your body and the tree…allow these points of contact to your body rest into and merge with the tree trunk…Feel your bare feet on the earth and your toes curling down into the soil like roots, drawing in its nutrients and strength…feel yourself connecting to and becoming one with the tree….not conceptually…really feel the meeting point of your physical body and the physical tree and let the boundaries between the two begin to soften as you breathe…become one with the tree in that very real, sensory way….sink back into the body of the tree as you breath out…
(if it helps think of the body paint artists who camouflage their subjects to blend in with nature and imagine yourself painted & visually and sensually blending into the shape form colour and texture of the tree)
Feel your torso becoming part of the trunk. As you and the tree merge together completely, see and feel its sap rising and circulating throughout, imbuing you with strength, peace, and the power to heal. Know and feel how the tree’s chlorophyll is giving you energy…
Breath & Rest into this feeling for sometime…
Feel how it is to be the roots, the trunk, the branches, and the leaves of the tree. As the golden sun warms you and the fresh breeze stirs you, imagine yourself in full bloom…
Feel and know how it is to be ageless — strong and full of life.
See how you are connected above and below, to heaven and earth, to all that is, was, and that ever will be . . .
Breathe out one time, and slowly return now, feeling rejuvenated, awake, aware, and entirely yourself. Thank the tree for this experience. Then slowly open your eyes.